Keeping true to anything goes, from silly net stuffs, food reviews, to events of interest and personal stories. Updates: unpredictable (BUT trying best to come back as a regular)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Millenium Restaurant - Beribi, near Supasave

Ah the place where their Spagetti Cabonara is magnifique (5/5), but then I order something different off the menu for this review.

After ordering, a complementary bread ^^

Strawberry shake.

Creamy! Yummy! well-blended. Although the apperance is just... that... so 4/5

Cream of mushroom. Never expected this, because usually its all white. But I am impressed by its presentation. The taste? Mmm! Yummy! Me and my family have each tasted it, and we can assume that it is made up of potato, well-blended mushroom with hints of blackpepper. a 5/5!

My main course! The premium Aged Fillet Steak, in which I ordered it medium-rare (personal preferences). With chips at its side, the meat is covered with black-pepper sauce, creating a nice taste and appealing to me. And did you know? Its only $18??? 5/5!

My dad ordered this. A Lamb Cutlet, where he said its a bargain, because usually the restaurants give one-meat length on a bone, where Millenium offer twice the meat on twice the bone.

Actually, I like to go to Millenium ^^ because if your lucky the buffet will be good, but the ala-carte is where I like to go to, because of the Spagetti Cabonara and its meats, at a good price, with quality taste

Good show Millenium! Keep up the good work!

Ps: you may want to ONLY order spagetti cabonara, without any appetizers or deserts, because that alone can fill you up fast (due to the cream and the complementary french bread).


muNtui said...

i like millenium too..~ tapi selalunya kalau kesana buffet ja, inda pernah ala-carte~

Monnie said...

oh no! someone beats me to the first post huhuhu XO

Abg buyuk ah! sudah ku blayar mcm2 tia kadai d aga ah XP u have to treat meeeeee! XD

Foody! Yumm~ (warning: bro...don't even think ur gunna drool this time on my laptop >_< krg kana wham oleh the tarap basher, bwuahahaha! XD )

ShedZster said...

awu eh! time kami di luar negeri, macam2 free food di bagi nya...


/eats ayam masak merah

/drinks Schweppes lemonade

huhuhu~ Nasib masih sahur time XD

Masta DBC or dbckun said...

sahur sahur! XD

Drooolll.... *on monnies laptop*

Monnie said...


AAAAiiiii abg ah!!
siapa suruh drool on my laptop! >_<
Ur sooooo gunna get it!! XD

/takes tarap basher


Masta DBC or dbckun said...

*pakai ninja-teleport skill*

buahhaha, biar ia si muntui kana bashed pulang

Monnie said...


Bwuahahahahahahahaha~! XD XD XD