Bandung Shake. Sadly, 1/5... Too watery and little taste of the bandung

Ordered Ayam Percik... wait??? thats ayam percik?? I switch my food with my father

Sweet and sour fish. 3/5 is the given rating. More to sour, thus imbalance in the sweet and sour department

Butter-milk toast. 1/5... got toast, but butter-milk is too melted... My place cafe's buttermilk toast still wins in my opinion.

My mum had the Kway Teow... her verdict... 3/10... kesians...

WAIT! not everything is bad! The apple juice on the other hand is better than the average. Its so good, it has been ordered 3 times ^^
a 4.5/5 for the apple juice.
MOD bila? :P
lanja ku makan di MOD, then I can tell ya ^^
bah bila ko minta blanja? XP
XD yay si muntui belanja arah MOD XD
hmm bila baik ah ehehehehe
haruku mliat eh ratings n mknan nya ah huhu..
ehehehe, ratings are only based on from personal opinion
tapi seriously, ayam percik inda ku bernafsu kan makan
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