Yeah, this has caught my attention... a really really really big spiderweb in North Texas park. Not only that, it has been reported that due to its sheer massive size, it caught *cue in the Rock* MILLION... and MILLIONS *ok, enough Rock* of mosquitoes, thus resulting the web into a massive food storage (for spiders) and a massive headache (due to the screeching of the little millions of the bugggers).
go here: CLICKY MEEEEEEEEEEE! to read the whole story
wow... just wow... rarely such a spiderweb constructed in such a massive and spectacle size... and its functional too ^^ *hates mosquitoes*
kalau aku..
inda ku mau take picture near that spiderweb!! grrr...
XD napa? gali? takut? bising?
hahahaha Ia takut!!! Ia phobia!! Remember RGB forum of phobia XD
>< I hate bugs, but spiderweb is ok (shoo shoo spider!)
yetah kan cuba fearfactor ni.. haha
>< i can already imagine muntui in the spider-eating contest
Kenapa nda amnesia?
atu brutal dah tu mun amnesia XD
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