"We have arrived!" exclaimed Monnie.
True enough, they have arrived at the Film Museum, where rumours said that, not only the place is full of old film equipment, but also “cursed” audience from earlier times…
But what the siblings didn’t know is the evil lurked within….
When they entered the museum, they were greeted with old machines of the Past

also the dresses of the Past

and also more old equipments

Masta DBC even has a chance to visit the "HALL OF PAST FILMS"

Monnie was fortunate enough to see the "small people" living in their small house

"Wait! Is this it?"

He inspects the equipment...

...but unfortunately, it was not the one they were seeking for.
"Ooh! Horsey! Horsey!" exclaimed Monnie,

Something has caught Monnie's attention. She went across the room and...
*GASP! BIG BLADDER!!!! errks... i mean BIG BROTHERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!"

Yes readers, they are looking at the CURSED AUDIENCES...
or so they think...
"uh... brother... why is there two chairs labelled with our names there..."
"I dunno... and I ain't going to find out..."
Both the siblings then double their effort in find the all-seeing equipment.
In the next room, Monnie found an odd looking equipment.
"Brother oh brother! check it out!"

Masta went over and immediately put his hand in

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Went Monnie like a japanese school girl would do.
Suddenly Masta DBC laughs hard
Now readers, try to imagine this part where Masta DBC was
slapped upon,
karate chops,
and lastly MONNIE lauched a FLYING KICKED towards him...
sending him to the nearest wall... as can be seen in the next picture...

Suddenly, from the corner out of his eyes, DBC finally found the searched item.

Monnie (obviously wanted to be the first) went to the machine and looked through it.

"I see me holding ponies!"

"What???" and Masta noticed a sign reading "Imagination-brought-to-life machine"
"Oh wrong machine. Maybe its this one"
He looks through it...

And inside he sees written instruction.
"Interesting..." said Masta.

A horrifying creature has suddenly appeared out of the nowhere, and it can be clearly be seen from his eyes that he wanted to kill both the siblings.
As quick as lightning, they ran out of the building with their dear lives.
Finally they managed to catch their breath and also felt grateful to get out of there alive. But now they realised they were presented with another puzzling instruction.
"What does that mean, to summon the lion, the head must see, hear and speak no evil?" Monnie ponders.
"Not sure" Replied Masta. "Let us look around. Maybe something may popped up"
And so, the sibling search from one end...

to another end...

Looking at famous statues...

famous landmarks, famous places...

famous treasures, paintings

("Look! its Pumbaa from the Lion King")
and through famous shopping centres...

"Ahh... Finally FREE toilet in this shopping centre)
...to no avail, they were stumped and clueless as to what the instruction wants.
"Sniff... we failed mission, biggie bro?" asked the nearly in tears Monnie as she sat down.
"Hate to admit it... but... but...." his eyes widen.
"But what?"
"But your butt is sitting on top of the head!" Exclaimed DBC in excitement.
Monnie jumped up and sure it was, she was sitting on top of the "head"
"yay yay yay" as both dance around like monkeys.
"So what do we do now brother?" asked Monnie.
"Remember the instructions? To summon the Lion, the head must...
"See no evil"

"...Hear no evil..."

"... and Speak no evil!"

A thunderous sound was heard and all of the sudden the ground shook very violently. Slowly but surely, a building rises from the ground, much to the amazement of the siblings.
When it is all done, the siblings looked at one another and nodded at each other

"Shall we?"

"We shall"
Both the siblings entered the building,
and they were greeted with such sights!

"the eternal lighted bottle"

The wonderful wonderful world of bottle cabinets

The funtastical world of fun
and in the middle of them all,
The Magnificent and bottolistic Chandelier

As they were admiring the place, they heard a thunderous roar of a lion from the outside.
"Brother! Its the lion!" and true enough, the Lion can be seen approaching the building from where they stand.
Without hesitation, both the siblings ran outside to greet the lion.
"Greetings great lion" said Masta DBC.
"Welcome siblings" replied the Lion. "Said no more of your past journey, instead, congratulations. Congratulations for both of you for finally completing your journey. Your seeking for one to complete the quested three, shall end here, as I have it already ready for you inside my humble abode.
Both of them are speechless.
"Th...thank you Great Kitty" Monnie tries to hug the lion

"NOOO!!!" Masta DBC yelled and he jumped forward to prevent Monnie from doing it.
Good news, Monnie managed to be pushed away
Bad news, yup, you guess it right... her brother got bitten in the hand instead...

After clearing a few misunderstanding, both of them then went inside the Lion's den and looked at their lastest and last gift.
And such a perfect gift indeed, as standing in front of them, the finest, smoothest and all around unstainable suit and dresses of the world.

They packed the clothes, send it express air-cargo as usual and gives their goodbyes and thanks to the lion.
Fortunately for them, the journey back home is easy

Fortunately the King and Queen, they are loving their gifts

Fortunately for Monnie, she gets to play fireworks

Fortunately for Masta DBC, he gets his... "gifts"

and fortunately for us... the story has come to a happy...
YAY! after much delay etc, OSLO part 2 is up and i am finish!!!
Will i do this ever again? YES! because its fun and entertaning!
I got to get new material and right now I have to focus for my exam at the end of the month (2 separate dates). No worries, updates will be here as usual but for the storylines ones, ye have to wait.
btw, liverpool and real madrid pics, NEXT! in a few days time ^^
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