after a very very buzy month (see previous blog) and the BSP'S graduate assessment day comes to an end at 5 ish... i am finally finally finally get my well deserve rest!!!!
I miss gwarring... I miss playing intense ps2... I miss this and that, and everything that does not go splat... waaaaaahhh... I miss my sleep T_T
oh yeah, thank god the last thing I did for this month is the BSP's thingy day. Eventhough it was stressful (15min to read, jot down points and to ready a presentation)... BUT I HAD FUN! XD
makan di seasons lagi... ehehehe
the only problem is that my name starts with an 'A'... thus I am candidate number 1... which means that I have to do my case study senario at 7.10 AM this morning!!!
and... guess what... for the bussiness scenario thingy... I am the last person to be interview! ^^"
not only that, mobile kana temporarily confisticate for the duration of the assesment... so no pictures were taken with the other 7 candidates as souvenir pics! uwaaaa
eventhough pics were not taken, memories were made ^^ wish them all good luck!
good luck to: K-rul, Suzy, Hani, Razzimy, Aqilah, Syukri and hazwani
Thanks to the 8 BSP assessors but a truly thank you to Rozanna and Kak Mas, BSP's HR, for making this a fun, pleasurable and informative day (salutations to both of you) ^^
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