DBC: Captured!
Time: 6pm
Date: 29th August 2007
Where???: Centerpoint Gadong, The left side(you can see when you used the escalator to go up)
description: Caught ya easyorange! Look at the pics closely (double click the pics to enlarge) and you can see that they got a windows error box (you know the Send, or Don't Send thingy)
Sadly since its a bit too far, but at least you can identify the box (windows users only). Fyi, in the second pic, you can see EasyOrange name in the orange text line
Proud to say I was one of their employees :D
Who cares abt error! It's known to be
a technological thing to happen XD
Wooooo!!! Finally pictures to see the updates of my former work place!
Thanks Abu! Although it was a coincident! ^-^V
ehehehe your welcome
to tell you the truth, it was a coincidence (but no one took notice/never bother to look up), BUT I knew this pic will attract your attention, as an x-employee
eheheh, thanks to them for giving me an opportunity
Shedz, ask them to change to Linux lerr. Windoze crash a lot of times. Even my Vista pernah crash. Migrate to Linux!
hahaha :P Dorg pakai Apple. But the system operate in the Mall atu inda ku tau ah XD
Al-Vista suxs! XD siapa suruh!
apple? ehehehe but then in the end, the one at the mall is using windows XD
al is a linux user btw shedz, but only for playing gw
now he is a sapibuntu user... i mean ubuntu user XD
Wah sapibuntu! Nanti buat sapibuntu, Brunei Ubuntu Linux version lol.
heheheh, once you made that local made sapibuntu, don't forget to mentioned my name yeah?
will gladly go moo! for brunei
*sending virus to Easyorange server*
bad muntui bad... do you want to be whipped again by shedz?
/pijak muntui cam kucing kana pijak tyre keta muntui!
bwoh, ganas auntynya ani
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