What kind of Asian are you?

Congratulations! You are...the Twinkie Asian! Yellow on the outside but white on the inside, you've never been fully in touch with your Asian heritage, and sometimes wish you weren't Asian. Though a lot of Asians surround you, you don't associate with them very much.
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Are u two in denial or something? XD
Congratulations! You are...the Reluctant Asian! You love having a culture that's different from everyone else, but you're not surrounded by a lot of Asians. You're not ready to give up your Asian-ness completely: You're still Asian on the inside, and you wish you knew more Asians. -> APA?!Adooii!! come to think abt it.....WHAT?!
yatahbah... my reaction is in the topic
inda olah niih, mun lakat lagi makan belachan, auw kakal jua muha atu coklat aima ambut di dye kuning peraang, tahu jua dangan kan asal usul deie
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