yeah, you saw it right... the maximum legal heating unit is... 19 degress C. In brunei, our maximum aircon temperature is 18... so cold... so cold..

Saw this on the way to my second lecture. A security camera sign, with an attached sticker "weapon of mass distraction". Hehehehe, I wonder who put it up there.

And thus, on the way back (after class ended at 7pm), I treat myself to a hot chocolate, worth 20pence. Not much, but boy am I glad (night is too cold for me)
For your info, I only had a Walker's keropok (crisps?), kurma, and a bottle of water masa berbuka puasa... sniff sniff...
6 jam dangar lecture not so bad, lecturer yg cakap 6 jam garenti poop tu!
jauh perjalanan
banyak pendangaran!!!!!
3 lecturer lah, one 1hr, 2nd 3 hour, and 3 2 hour
ganya, after class, have to run to the next class
sajuk lagi by the time keluar at night
heh heh, at least mulut lecturer yg bubble, kan kan kan
mulut berbubble~~~!
or shud i say Bubbles~~!hint hint cerita little britain >_< eeeeeeeeeee XD
asta... br buyah tah mulut nya?
kalau berbuyah bah, paksalah tipun ambulance tu
hahaha x 100
hahaha soo good!
U love to have str8 lectures. Di UBD ia jua kan, u mentioned it before. haha!
hai shedz.... batah ko batapa... mikin lawa kali... hehe
shedz: atu kira sendiri susun. Ani sungguhpun straight lecture, tiap hari jua masih class ku
and anonymous kan urat si shedz?? bwwwoohh XD
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