Wow... simply wow.
Got it from this blog :La Musique
From her website:
Hi hi everyone. How's your Hari Raya? Mine is great. I have been visiting a lot and ate a lot too. Anyway, today, Mama cooked laksa, bubur nasi and bubur kacang. Heh, something very exciting happened today. I was in the kitchen helping Bibik washing the dishes and boil the egg. And you know what, when I was about to boil the eggs, I saw a strange looking egg. I picked it up and look at it properly.
The name of Allah appeared a few times around the egg. Masya Allah.
I was very excited when i saw it. I showed it to Bibik. But she won't believe me :( So I showed it to mama and our visitors. They was very excited too and took pictures of it. Heh.
Ok, I gotta go now, more visitor downstairs. Have a good day everyone. Will update my blog again soon, Insya Allah.
Also not forgetting to mentioned her brother, Matt from Brustu, who share this wonderful pic to all of us
woooowww~! 0_o
Allah hu Akhbar
kebesaran dari ALLAH jua, untung sapa yang balurih...
untungness to the max =)
gambar awan yg ada nama allah a2?
nda kan lupa... T_T
cari ia arah post lama,
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