this is the part where you say
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That, family, relatives, friends, lurker, visitor, mr.alien, mr.anderson, pikachu...
is my PATHETIC ATTEMPT to cook an omellette with clams as its uhh... stuffing in the centre.
YES YES, I FAILED in cooking. uwaaaaaaa. And you know what... there is also the taste of BURNT egg on some of the underside of it... ugh... not good to taste...
my review... a 0/5
sure thing john west is there, to satisfy my taste bud

ps: Dont forget to read the previous 2 post XD
lol...nice OMAIGATLette there XD
maybe u shud cook the clams then put the egg in XD
Lol, homaigots tia tuh
Wah wah wah, masak telur yea onii-chan
Instead of using clams why not use crab sticks yg merah putih atu??chop and mix with a bit of cheese and/or milk. If u cook omellete,make sure minyaknya cukup, jan luan sikit banar, and jan luan laju flip the omellete time ia masih licak brabis, wait till like round more than half of it is cooked then u flip
and easy way to flip is bring one side of the round omellete to make a half circle in the pan,wait a moment and pastu sanang tu flip to other side, huhuhu
omelitgotnotastelahhh... hehe...good try.. not bad..ngap..ngap..butter dulu weh..baru isi2an..talur bancuh2 baru tuang... api jan luan kuat2...bila d bgian bwah abit kras...baru balikkan..wow.. campur honey..lagi omelitgoshedappp...hehe..
brapa guru dahhh...
wahahaha...nx time google for the recipe XD
1. banchuh talor tiga biji, add sikit sira, dash of lada sulah, serbok lada for colour, add slices lada hidup red n green, daun bawang and sup ...
2. slice bawang putih, rings pun bolih, goring low heat using virgin olive oil until bau bawang keluar..
3. pour talor mixture plahan plahan in circular motion, use wide pan, jan tabal tabal, spread eggs full pan size, angkat pan slightly above heat, move/slide eggs around in pan supaya inda rakat and low heat, continue until eggs turn golden yellow
4. flip eggs over by throwing eggs into air and catch with pan, and continue to cook other side of egg.
yum yum
for garlic lovers, crush a few garlic cloves and then remove skin, mince or cinchang halus halus, then goring sama bawang basar until bau bawang kluar....
then go step 2. (*!*)
toast 2 pieces wheat bread until light brown, spread butter on one side whilst toast is warm so that butter melts and is soaked by toast, then you have eggs sandwich...
bon appetit
ada 4 guru dahhhhhh......
lol Atu banar tukang masak in da house!
haha... funny post!
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