yup he is back, alive and kicking... err i mean spooning...
hehehe, as usual, bought a VERY CHEAP muller's yogurt (yummy I might add) for 10pence each!

yup, u heard me right, 10pence aka 30sen brunei. My guess its sooo cheap because:
1) its NOT gonna expire today/tommorow *but actually 5 days later*, but more of a oversupply, as this week is reading week, thus not many undergrads are here to buy them; and
2) not many people fancy this flavor
lucky me, i like muller's yogurt ^^
also i bought a...

eventhough it is 20pence ONLY, BUT its "used by" date is the next day. Hey at least im buying it cheap and i get my daily dose of vitamin for the day ^^ (and as a nice drink for my lunch and dinnner)
ah well... back to eating my yogurt!

Yogurt goooooo~~~oooddd~~!!
Eh how come inda ku nampak the spoon msa ku melawat ri atu huh?
pasal ia pandai batapuk
spooning? haha
ada lagi kah free yogurt n newspaper cam d liverpool station ari tu?
wah masani kan 0 degree dah
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