Keeping true to anything goes, from silly net stuffs, food reviews, to events of interest and personal stories. Updates: unpredictable (BUT trying best to come back as a regular)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


saturday: LONDON! went to watch a bruneian student made play called "THE CURSE OF THE PULUT PANGGANG!* I was the last minute usher for them, and thus my job was to carry this and that, collect and tear tickets, and also to hand out the foods to the guest. Hey! at least i get to watch the show and in my opinion, its a good show! nice blend of acting/play and also with the dances. Cant wait for the dvd to come out and rewatch it again. kudos to them and its a 3.5/5 (not a perfect play but there are some spoiled moments, especially the props and the missing "lightning")

sunday: me, my lil sis, mr. Jmy and mr. Gd went to visit haji abd and family. They have a new addition to the family, a baby (26 days old already) boy. ^^ aww soo cute, but DOH! i forgot to take pictures with the baby X(

oh yeah, also wrestling with his 2 young sons and 1 daughter. hehehe. That kinda remind me of my little siblings in brunei XD

today (monday): >_> delayed train, rush here and there (seminar, lecture, and then discussion for the presentation). At 8, went to the SEA SOC (south east asian society) and we ate, chatted, laugh, chatted, laugh ourselves silly again until nearly 11.30 pm >< oops

and now im back in my room, took my bath, pray and then blogging my 3 spent days XD


Monnie said...

Lupa ambil banyak gambar!! >_< waaaaaaaaa

Monnie said...

Kudos to all that had helped make it happen! XD

Monnie said...

btw the baby was UBER CUTEEEE!!! KYaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~!!!! XD huhuhuhuhu~!

Masta DBC or dbckun said...



baby baby baby!

Monnie said...

baby the cuteness