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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Song Summoner for the Ipod

Remember "final fantasy tactics" for the PS?

Well, lucky for IPOD owners, they have a new strategy turn based game similar to the FFT, called the "Song Summoner".

And guess what? It was created by the same company, SquareEnix (formerly known as Squaresoft).

from their website:

SONG SUMMONER: The Unsung Heroes is a Role-Playing Game that transforms your iPod® songs into powerful "Tune Troopers" that you can control in battle! As the protagonist Ziggy, you will embark on an epic journey to rescue your brother from the clutches of the Mechanical Militia! Intriguing characters, an epic story and a tactics-based battle system combine for a rich RPG experience previously only available on home and handheld game consoles.


# Transform your iPod songs into "Tune Troopers" to combat the evil Mechanical Militia
# Tune Trooper types and abilities are determined by the songs used to create them
# Your Tune Troopers can be powered up even outside of the game--just by listening to the songs you used to create them!
# Control Ziggy, a "Conductor" that creates warriors out of music, and guide him through his journey to save his brother Zero from the Mechanical Militia
# Experience a turn-based tactics battle system, divided into player and enemy phases where each side takes turns maneuvering their forces
# Deploy the right troopers at the right time, and use contraptions found on the map effectively to achieve victory in battle!
# iPod Click Wheelallows players to play the game as easily as selecting music

I WANT ONE! Hopefully someone would *cough*emulate*cough* this for the non-ipod owners *cough-cough*

bad news though, I read somewhere that this game is not available to Iphone and Itouch users. tough luck hehehehe (so join us and pray for the emulator XD)

good news (for the APPLE lovers) its friggin cheap! it will only cost you USD4.99!

go here for the whole article:

pic grabbed, edited and displayed by Mr. Noor Seeker, Honourable Leader of the Decepti... oops, Royal Guild of Brunei (guildwars


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