Keeping true to anything goes, from silly net stuffs, food reviews, to events of interest and personal stories. Updates: unpredictable (BUT trying best to come back as a regular)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Im off to London + internet jargon part 1

heyo, ima gonna go-a to-a london-a =D

hopefully i can access the net there and update the blog

in the mean time, enjoy some internet jargon:


1337 (written in ASCII) - From the word Leet, derived from the word elite
2 - too, or to
4 - For

AFAICR/S/T - As far as I can recall / remember / see / tel
AFAIK - As far as I know
AFK - Away from keyboard
ANFSCD - And Now For Something Completely Different. Used to change the subject of conversation.
ASAP - As soon as possible
ASL - Age / sex / location
ATEOTD - At The End of the Day
ATM - At the moment
AWOL - Absent Without (Official) Leave
AYBABTU (also abbreviated as AYB) - All your base are belong to us (from the video game Zero Wing)


B2B - Business to Business
B& and/or B7- Banned
BBIAB - Be back in a bit
BBL/S - Be back later / shortly / soon
BCNU - Be seein' you
Blog - Also known as web log or an online journal
BOFH - ~censored~ operator from hell
Bot - Any type of automated software in chatrooms and web-cataloging software
BRB - Be right back
BSOD - Blue Screen of Death
BTDT - Been there done that
BTW - By the way
Bump - Increment (For example, C's ++ operator.)or a backronym for "Bring Up My Post"


Crawl - To retrieve a web page along with the hyperlinks that reference it
Crapplet - A poorly written computer application
CU - See you (later)
CYA - See ya OR Cover Your Ass
Cyber (prefix) - A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely to the world of computers or the Internet or sex over a computer
Cyberspace - Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other kinds of computer systems. Science fiction author William Gibson popularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Gibson used the word to describe a virtual world of computer networks that his cyberpunk heroes 'jacked into'


DFTT - Don't feed the trolls
DGAF - Don't Give A ~censored~
DIAF - Die in a fire
DILLIGAF/D/S - Does it look like I give a flip / ~censored~ / damn / ~love~
DND - Do not disturb
DOA - Dead on arrival. Refers to hardware that is broken on delivery.


EOF - End Of File
EOM - End of Message
EOL - End of Life. Device or hardware that is at the end of its product life cycle.
EQ - EverQuest
ETA - Estimated time of arrival


FAQ - Frequently Asked Question(s)
FFS - For ~censored~'s sake
Flamer - Someone who makes inflammatory, abusive or directly offensive comments. Similar to, but not quite the same as an Internet troll[3]
FMCDH - From My Cold Dead Hands
FOAD - ~censored~ off and die
FOAF - Friend of a friend
FTL - For the loss
FTW - For the win
FU - ~censored~ you
FUBAR - ~censored~ up beyond all recognition / repair (from military slang; pronounced "foo-bar")
FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (the purposeful spread of misinformation)
FWIW - For what it's worth
FYI - For your information

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